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Fight Racism, Imperialism, and the Current Crisis: A Program to Unify the Exploited and Oppressed

In a context of global instability and national turmoil, the most critical task for socialists in the U.S. is to combine the immediate struggle against attacks on the lives and democratic rights of the exploited and oppressed with the greater battle for socialism. What might that look like?

Left Voice

October 14, 2020

FinCEN Files: The Capitalists Are Stealing Even More Money than Realized

The FinCEN investigation, which tracked over $2 trillion in illicit funds that banks had knowingly transacted, illuminates the level of collusion between the government and financial sectors. More banking reforms haven’t provided respite from money-laundering. Instead they have increased profit for the banks --- and misery for the working class.

M.K. Kumar

October 13, 2020

Five Capitalists Who are Destroying the Environment

As the threat of climate crisis increases in magnitude, the Left must remember who is to blame and what it will take to survive.

Samuel Karlin

October 7, 2020

Coronavirus in India: 6 Million Confirmed, 60 Million Suspected

India has confirmed over six million coronavirus cases, though the true count could be as high as 60 million. The Modi-led BJP government continues to reopen businesses and public spaces in order to “save” the economy while passing austerity budgets, hurting the already vulnerable working class. 

K.S. Mehta

October 3, 2020

I Pay More in Taxes than Donald Trump

Almost every working-class person pays more in taxes than Donald Trump. Capitalism cloaks bourgeois criminality in legal loopholes while insisting that the working class pay for everything.

Sybil Davis

September 29, 2020

New Technologies, TikTok, Competition, and “Free” and Human Labor: An Interview with Economist Paula Bach

Economist Paula Bach, in an interview, addresses the future of work, new technologies and their relationship to the capitalist crisis, and how capitalism’s search for profit keeps new technologies from fulfilling their promise of vastly improving the lives of the great majority of people.

Paula Bach

September 19, 2020

Elon Musk Rakes in Billions, Tesla Employees Forced Back to Work

Elon Musk received the first installment of what could be a $55.8 Billion compensation package this past May. Meanwhile, Tesla manufacturing workers have struggled since March to obtain unemployment benefits or recoup their stolen wages amidst layoffs, pay cuts, and unsafe (illegal) factory re-openings under COVID-19. 

Jayne Smith

September 19, 2020

Capitalism Is Fanning the Wildfire Flames

Capitalism-driven climate change has led to record-breaking wildfires on the West Coast.

Signý A.

September 15, 2020

Uneven Development and Imperialism Today: Engaging with the Ideas of David Harvey

The last few decades have been characterized by weak economic growth in the developed countries, which contrasts with the dynamism shown by China and other countries on the periphery. What does this tell us about the relations that characterize the world capitalist system?

Esteban Mercatante

September 13, 2020