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Donald Trump

Trump Supporters Attempt Vehicular Homicide in Texas

A caravan of trucks and cars flying Trump regalia nearly forced a Biden bus off the highway on Friday, with little interference from local law enforcement.

B.C. Daurelle

November 2, 2020

Against Pragmatism: Socialists Shouldn’t Vote for the “Lesser Evil”

A section of socialists like Eric Blanc and Dan La Botz are urging a vote for the pro-imperialist Joe Biden as a lesser evil to Trump. This “pragmatic” logic is deeply rooted in the ideology of American capitalism.

Robert Belano

November 2, 2020

No Matter Who Wins the Elections, We Need Independent Socialist Journalism

No matter who is in the White House, there will be attacks on working-class and oppressed people. We will need independent, socialist, journalism to fight whoever wins this election. Join us!

Tatiana Cozzarelli

November 2, 2020

Elections Amid Imperialist Decline

Whoever becomes president must manage an unprecedented situation amid increasing discontent with the regime.

Jimena Vergara

November 1, 2020

What Will the U.S. Elections Mean Internationally?

The U.S. elections, which occur at the center of capital and imperialism, will undoubtedly have a global impact. The choice between Trump or Biden offers the working class around the world a lose-lose scenario and reaffirms the decline of the American Empire.

Maryam Alaniz

November 1, 2020

Joe Biden: Wall Street’s “Man in Washington”

Wall Street has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to Biden and the Democrats this election cycle, an investment that will no doubt pay big dividends if he is elected. As always, it’s the working class who will be forced to pay the bill.

James Dennis Hoff

October 31, 2020

U.S. Imperialism: Return to “Normalcy” or More World Disorder?

Continuing with the analysis in our previous article on contemporary imperialism and the situation in the United States, here Esteban Mercantante discusses the balance of the first (and perhaps only?) presidential term of Donald Trump.

Esteban Mercatante

October 30, 2020

Stocks Fall, GDP Rises, Workers Always Take a Beating

Regardless of who wins the election next week, the economy is tanking. Rather than recovery, the pandemic and coming recession promise more market volatility and more hardship for the working class. What do the most recent numbers tell us?

Scott Cooper

October 29, 2020

QAnon: A Product of Capitalism in Decline

Despite a crackdown by social media companies, the prophecies of Q are still winning adherents. This conspiracy theory says Trump is saving children from a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles. It has its roots in centuries-old antisemitic tropes. But its popularity is an expression of capitalist decline.

Nathaniel Flakin

October 26, 2020