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Corbynism Lost, Sandersism is Losing: Why Working Within Capitalist Parties Fails

Jeremy Corbyn’s tenure as leader of the Labour Party came to an end with the election of Sir Keir Starmer. Starmer is an establishment figure who easily defeated his Corbynist opponent. This development shows the failure of Corbyn’s strategy and holds a warning for the U.S. left in regards to Bernie Sanders.

Sybil Davis

April 5, 2020

There’s No Hope for the Democratic Party. But We Can Still Win Medicare for All

Bernie Sanders had a terrible night on Super Tuesday. But, the fight for Medicare for All and other progressive reforms aren’t about electing Sanders. They will only be won if the working class and oppressed fight for them without putting faith in a Democratic Party in the service of the capitalists and a “democratic process” rigged in favor of the establishment.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

March 4, 2020

It’s Still Their Party (and Always Will Be)

Super Tuesday showed that while Bernie Sanders is still a strong candidate for the nomination, the Democratic Party still belongs to the establishment --- and that establishment pulled off a comeback for Joe Biden. Bernie Sanders’ attempts to reform the party from the inside are miscalculated and will end with them cheating him out of the nomination.

Sybil Davis

March 4, 2020

Class Struggle Wave Hits Dominican Republic as Protesters Allege Electoral Fraud and Corruption

"Pa'fuera que van" (“They are going out”) is the cry of thousands of protesters against the government of Danilo Medina. Young people are leading the mobilizations, as they are in Chile and Colombia.

Milton D'León

March 1, 2020

Liberals and Conservatives Ally with the Extreme Right in Germany to Unseat a Democratic Socialist

In what is being called a “political earthquake” in Germany, liberal and conservative parties joined forces with a far-right party with ties to neo-fascist organizations during an election in the state of Thuringia. The aftershocks of these events are being felt at the national level, where Angela Merkel’s party is in chaos over its part in the scandal.

Gustavo Robles

February 13, 2020

New Hampshire Primary: Sanders Squeaks by at the Battle of the Milquetoast

Without any major hiccups, the New Hampshire Primary results show Sanders in the lead with Buttigieg nipping at his heels, Biden and Warren quickly declining, and Klobuchar enjoying a surprising uptick in support. What does all this mean for the 2020 presidential race?

Sybil Davis

February 12, 2020

How a Revolutionary Socialist Would Respond at the New Hampshire Debate

No candidate on the debate stage is advancing a program for socialist revolution. What might that look like?

Tatum Regan

February 9, 2020

The Forever Election

The seemingly endless Democratic primary campaign will begin --- officially --- on February 3rd with the Iowa Caucus. The entire primary system is designed to remove power from the hands of the voters and place it in the hands of the party establishment.

Sybil Davis

January 31, 2020

Forget Impeachment. All Politicians Should Be Revocable

Impeachment is an entirely undemocratic process that is never used in the interests of the working class. But what’s the alternative?

Tatiana Cozzarelli

January 30, 2020