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Police Rape Black Man in Paris, Sparking Protests

Four policemen brutally raped a Black youth during an identity check in the northern Parisian suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois on Thursday, February 2. The 22-year-old victim was hospitalized for severe injuries. While the Internal Affairs Bureau deems the incident a mere accident, this new act of police brutality has sparked outrage both locally and nationally.

Ivan Matewan

February 10, 2017

Phase Two of the Economic Crisis

The 10th international conference of the Trotskyist Fraction took place in Buenos Aires from August 7 to 14, with representatives from 14 countries. This article focuses on one major topic of discussion: the international political situation and the current stage of the global economic crisis.

Left Voice

September 1, 2016

VIDEO: Voices of Resistance in France

Simon Zamora Martin spoke to French activists and combative workers about their struggle

The Struggle is Creative

This incredible work of art is part of a magnificent photographic installation by dockworkers in Le Havre and the artist known as JR.

The Roma’s Tortuous Journey

The migration crisis has clearly shown the structural nature of racism and xenophobia in Europe. The Roma people are among the most oppressed in the continent; in France, there has been a rapid rise in anti-Roma racism, not only from right-wing groups, but also from the state and its institutions.

Philippe Alcoy

June 16, 2016

Workers’ Combativeness Throws Bourgeoisie into Disarray

'What if the French soccer team went on strike?' So went the June 10 editorial of pro-business French newspaper, Les Echos, giving away the writer’s confusion and shock at the persistence and continuity of protests against the labor law.

Juan Chingo

June 15, 2016

VIDEO: France, Workers’ Power in Action

Railway workers, oil workers, Air France pilots and ground employees and other important sectors of the labor force have joined the strikes in France.


June 13, 2016

Révolution Permanente Celebrates One Year Anniversary

Inspired by similar experiences in other Spanish-speaking countries led by La Izquierda Diario, an international digital network of socialist news and politics, we launched Révolution Permanente in French on June 9, 2015. A year later, our bet has been won and new horizons await us.

Three Keys Points to Understanding the Strike Wave in France

This article focuses on the anti-labor employment reforms of the Hollande government. According to recent polls, over 70 percent of the population rejects the new draft bill. Disaffection has sparked labor unrest and a youth-led mass movement. Here are three key point to understanding the wave of strikes in France.