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Down With U.S. Imperialist Aggression Against Iran!

The US assassination of Iran's top general on Friday marked a radical intensification of the ongoing conflict between the US and Iran that could lead to yet another US-led war in the region. It is the duty of socialists and working people everywhere to organize against this blatant imperialist aggression and demand that the US leave the Middle East.

Left Voice

January 5, 2020

Whither the “Latin American Spring”?

With massive demonstrations erupting across Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, and Colombia, Latin America is an epicenter of class struggle. Fed up after years of austerity measures and imperialist policies, the masses are pushing back against their neoliberal governments. Where these uprisings go from here depends on their ability to break away from leaderships that encourage them to curb their demands.

Claudia Cinatti

December 18, 2019

This Thanksgiving, Don’t Celebrate Colonizers. Celebrate Indigenous Resistance.

The people of Chile, Colombia, and Bolivia are taking to the streets to protest austerity, state violence, and right-wing coups. Indigenous communities are at the forefront of these struggles. This Thanksgiving, let’s honor the resistance and strength of indigenous people in the U.S. and around the world who continue to fight against centuries of colonial discrimination, exploitation, and violence.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

November 28, 2019

What Is the IMF and How Does It Work?

A wave of protests against austerity programs promoted by the IMF is rocking several countries. Below are keys to understanding what this organization is and how it works.

Ana Rivera

October 17, 2019

What if a Trotskyist Were Part of the Presidential Debate?

The Democratic Debate on Tuesday was boring. But the presidential debate last Sunday in Argentina was something completely different, thanks to Trotskyist presidential candidate Nicolás del Caño. He called the president of Argentina "Trump's bootlicker” and denounced the IMF’s role in Ecuador. We present the highlights.

Nathaniel Flakin

October 16, 2019

As Climate Activists March, Water Protectors Are Locked Up

Millions of people throughout the world are mobilizing to confront climate change, but Red Fawn Fallis is set to spend nearly five years in jail after defending Standing Rock. As thousands of climate activists from indigenous communities and the Global South are being killed and imprisoned, the struggle for climate justice must include decolonization and anti-imperialism.

Violet Glaser

October 3, 2019

Cancel Argentina’s Debt

The current crisis in Argentina is a consequence of the austerity policies imposed on the semicolonial countries by the IMF and imperialism.

Jimena Vergara

September 26, 2019

Elizabeth Warren: The Polite Protest of the Middle Class

Elizabeth Warren has taken a progressive stance on many issues, from Medicare for All to racial justice and gender oppression. But on closer inspection, Warren’s “plans” are little more than half measures underpinned by a blind trust in capitalism’s capacity to resolve its own problems.

Renato Flores

September 24, 2019

10 Things You Need to Know about the Fires in the Amazon

Who is behind the fires being set in the Amazon? What is happening to the people displaced because of deforestation? What consequences will this have for the environment? Here are the ten things you need to know about the fires currently consuming the Amazon basin.

Ana Rivera

September 14, 2019