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The Reality of the Drone War

The Intercept has published an in-depth report alongside the release of a number of leaked classified documents on the United States’ drone based assassination program. Much of it provides clear evidence for what critics have long maintained; 90 percent of deaths in a 2013 Afghan operation were not the intended targets, the effectiveness of targeted assassinations is questionable and the program uses a broad definition of enemy combatants which extends to anyone that they can’t prove is not a “military age male.” The documents also help to reveal the persistent challenges which US imperialism faces and its inability to secure a real victory in the occupation of Afghanistan.

Ian Steinman

November 5, 2015

No to UN or NATO intervention!

After two weeks of the Israeli offensive in Lebanon, the battles on the border and the destructure of the infrastructure continue with the deliberate goal of terrorizing the civilian population. As this scandal unfolds, Condoleeza Rice began her diplomatic tour aiming to gain more time for the Israeli army to continue using US bombs and […]

Left Voice

July 27, 2006

The high price of Blair and Bush’s imperialist policies

On July 7th, during the morning rush hour when millions of people were travelling to their places of work or study, the centre of London was rocked by a series of bomb blasts on the public transport system – three on the underground and one on a bus. At the time of writing the official […]