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Left Voice

November 29, 2018

100 Years Ago in Berlin: The Bitter Lesson of a Defeat

The Social Democrats and the military prepared to crush the revolution. A big majority of the working class desired socialism – but they had no major party of their own to lead the struggles. What lessons can be draw from this bloody defeat?

Nathaniel Flakin

November 27, 2018

Revolutionaries in Parliament

Following the U.S. Midterm elections, a contest which provided no principled choice for working class voters, Left Voice interviewed Myriam Bregman and Nicolás Del Caño, two representatives of the PTS (Socialist Workers Party) for their views on how revolutionaries can use electoral politics to advance class struggle. Bregman is currently a city legislator in Buenos Aires and Del Caño serves in Argentina’s national congress.

Left Voice

November 22, 2018

The PT, Neoliberalism, and the Brazilian Regime

The Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT - Workers’ Party) has played an important role during decisive moments of Brazilian history. This article offers a critical overview of the party’s responsibility for maintaining the Brazilian capitalist regime.

Edison Urbano

November 20, 2018

100 Years Ago in Berlin: Revolution and Counterrevolution in Germany

In the first days of the German Revolution, workers’ and soldiers’ councils formed across Germany. The Social Democrats allied with the military to save as much of the old order as they could. The Communists tried to organize the forces of the revolution. This fight came to a head at a national congress of the councils.

Nathaniel Flakin

November 18, 2018

Black Radicalism on Screen: “The Hate U Give”

It is not every day that the music of Tupac Shakur and the politics of the Black Panthers are harmoniously woven into a tale about a modern black family. But in a society still marred by racial and class inequality, normalcy isn’t an option for black Americans like the Carters, the protagonists of “The Hate U Give.”

Thaddeus Greene

November 9, 2018

‘The Workers Invented a Concept for Socialist Transformation’

On November 9, 1918, the revolution began in Germany. We spoke with historian Ralf Hoffrogge about the role of the "Revolutionary Stewards."

Nathaniel Flakin

November 5, 2018

The Rise of Bolsonaro and the Position of Brazilian Revolutionaries

Socialist Revolutionaries from Brazil explain how they are organizing against the rise of the far-right and why the call for a ‘critical vote’ to the PT in the coming runoff elections.

Reassessing the Legacy of Louis Althusser on His 100-Year Anniversary: An Interview with Warren Montag

Louis Althusser was one of the most disputed scholars in the Marxist tradition. Condemned as a revisionist by some, celebrated as a brilliant, innovative Marxist philosopher by others, his theoretical contributions still spur interest and controversy today, almost thirty years after his death.

Juan Dal Maso

October 16, 2018