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People Before Profit: Interview with TD Bríd Smith

The following is an interview with Bríd Smith, a TD in the Irish Parliament (Oireachtas). A TD (Teachta Dála) is the equivalent of a "Member of Parliament” — a member of the lower house (Dáil Éireann). Brid Smith is a member of People Before Profit, an important force in the Irish political landscape that demands and fights for a left anti-austerity government.

Left Voice

February 20, 2018

José Carlos Mariátegui, Latin American Communism, and the Russian Revolution

Who was José Carlos Mariátegui and how did he contribute to Latin American communism?

Jimena Vergara

February 18, 2018

Tillerson Hints Venezuelan Military Should Topple Maduro

The interference of U.S. imperialism in Venezuela took a leap forward with the statements of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who suggested the Venezuelan military take action against Maduro’s government.

Venezuelan Dairy Workers Jailed for Protesting

The workers have gone 20 months without a contract and are suffering illegal deductions from their paychecks and harassment by management.

Metalworkers’ Strike in Germany for Shortened Workweek

After days of historic strikes, the metalworkers' union in Germany ended its work stoppage, winning partial gains but at the expense of increased flexibility and a negotiated labor peace until 2020.

Bastian Schmidt

February 8, 2018

Massive Assembly for International Women’s Strike Held in Buenos Aires

The first of several meetings to prepare for International Women's Day mobilizations in Argentina was held in Buenos Aires. It is one of many meetings held around the world to organize the International Women’s Strike.

Guadalupe Oliverio

February 7, 2018

What is Behind the Brazilian Crisis?

A federal court in Brazil sentenced former President Lula to 12 years in federal prison on January 24, on the grounds of soliciting bribes and attempting to rig this year’s presidential elections. How did this happen to one of the country's most popular politicians?

Victor Mariutti

February 6, 2018

Prospects for a Working Class Revolutionary Socialist Party in South Africa

Radical leftists in South Africa and beyond have broadly welcomed NUMSA’s 2018 New Year’s resolution to establish a workers’ party in the near future. What is to be expected?

Peter Jacobs

February 3, 2018

Stop the War on Afrin!

The Turkish Armed Forces -supported by Free Syrian Army groups- have started an air and land offensive on the predominantly Kurdish town of Afrin in Northern Syria, from multiple fronts at the same time.

Başlangıç Dergisi

February 2, 2018