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Middle East-Africa

Protesters in Mali Demand the Departure of French Troops

In mid-January, as workers in France took to the streets against Macron’s pension reform, French flags burned on the streets of Bamako, Mali to repudiate the presence of French troops. The country is faced with a humanitarian crisis as violence spirals since France first intervened in 2013, supposedly to fight the rise of Islamic terrorist groups.

Salvador Soler

January 28, 2020

Making Sense of the Imperialist Attack on Iran

What are the political implications of the recent imperialist attack on Iran?

Juan Andrés Gallardo

January 23, 2020

Trump’s Attack on Iran: Why Now?

The assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani by a US drone strike last Friday reflects a desperate attempt by a failing administration to reassert US hegemony in a region where it is being increasingly challenged.

Claudia Cinatti

January 6, 2020

There Is No Right Way to Launch an Imperialist Attack

The recent drone attack that killed Qasem Soleimani has sparked wide scale public outcry with many taking to the streets to oppose the U.S.’ warmongering. Memes and posts detaling anxiety and fear around a potential third world war began to trend on social media in the hours after the attack.

Sybil Davis

January 6, 2020

Down With U.S. Imperialist Aggression Against Iran!

The US assassination of Iran's top general on Friday marked a radical intensification of the ongoing conflict between the US and Iran that could lead to yet another US-led war in the region. It is the duty of socialists and working people everywhere to organize against this blatant imperialist aggression and demand that the US leave the Middle East.

Left Voice

January 5, 2020

A Step Away From War?

The U.S. assassination of an Iranian general could lead to yet another devastating war in the Middle East.

Left Voice

January 3, 2020

Iraq: A Revolutionary Situation?

The current Iraqi protests are the first united, nationwide uprisings in the country in recent memory. Protesters have exhibited admirable levels of discipline and have been exemplars of the principle that practical anti-oppression and the struggle for proletarian power are inseparable.

Ahmed Kanna

December 20, 2019

Mass Uprising in Iran Set Off by Hike in Fuel Prices

The price of petrol was tripled in Iran virtually overnight on Friday. In response to this move by the government, Iranian masses took to the streets to protest a deepening economic crisis.

Maryam Alaniz

November 21, 2019

The World is on Fire: 11 of the Biggest Struggles This Year

Around the world, people are rising up. Here is a brief summary of some of this year's major struggles.

Left Voice

November 2, 2019