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United States

Disappointing Reactions to the Anti-Milo Berkeley Antifa Action

Guest contributors Hart Eagleburger and Jack Rusk argue that commentators should avoid accusing the Black Bloc of being infiltrated by the right wing or police without any evidence, regardless of how one feels about the Black Bloc

Hart Eagleburger

February 16, 2017

Hundreds Arrested During Nationwide Immigration Raids

Since last week, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agency has been carrying out nation-wide raids targeting undocumented workers. Hundreds of immigrants have been arrested and are currently being held in detention centers across the country.

Ivan Matewan

February 15, 2017

10,000 Immigrants Go On Strike in Milwaukee

What would happen if the Trump administration really were to deport millions of undocumented workers from the US? Milwaukee, Wisconsin got a brief taste of that on Monday, the #DayWithoutLatinos. More than ten thousand people went on strike.

Nathaniel Flakin

February 14, 2017

Towards an Internationalist Feminism Rooted in the Working Class

After the massive January 21 Women's March on Washington, all eyes are on March 8: International Women's Day. We should join the women all over the world who will go on strike on March 8, fighting for an internationalist feminism rooted in the working class.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

February 12, 2017

Who is to Blame for Betsy DeVos?

On Tuesday, Betsy DeVos was confirmed as Secretary of Education. She is entirely unqualified and seeks to dismantle public education as we know it. Who is to blame for her confirmation?

Tatiana Cozzarelli

February 8, 2017

Refugees: The End of the German Illusion

Trump’s anti-immigrant executive order and refugee ban were harshly condemned by the German Chancellor. Several media outlets present Merkel as the last democratic hope of the West. But how have the refugees who arrived in Germany fared? And what of those who attempted to enter the European nation and now languish in Turkish camps? Was the acceptance of refugees by Germany driven by humanitarian ideals or by economic interests and the need to preserve the integrity of capitalist Europe? In this article, we present an assessment of 2016 and German policy in relation to the refugee crisis.

Sebastian Vargas

February 8, 2017

The Failure of Liberal Feminism in the Trump Era

The restrictions imposed by the new administration on the right to choose and the promise of new attacks raise the question of how to defend women’s rights in the Trump era.

Celeste Murillo

February 6, 2017

Fight Trump, Keep Dems at Bay: The Case Against a Popular Front

If we want long term gains for the working class, we need to avoid the trap of the Democratic Party.

Juan Cruz Ferre

February 4, 2017

Trump Keeps Promises by Attacking the Working Class and Oppressed

Media outlets from the Washington Post to Democracy Now! have been consistently reporting on Trump and his actions against the EPA and refugees, but here’s a few issues that haven’t received as much attention.

Abby Nathanson

February 3, 2017