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United States

Donald Trump: the wall of racial hatred

Like a bad imitation of Pinky and the Brain, who every night says "Let's try to take over the world", Trump announced he is seeking the Republican party's nomination for the upcoming presidential race.

Bárbara Funes

June 25, 2015

The Charleston Massacre and the Uses of White Supremacy

The cold-blooded murder of nine black women and men in a Charleston church by the white supremacist Dylann Roof was one of the most horrific single acts of racist violence carried out in the U.S. in the past century.

Robert Belano

June 25, 2015

Activism in Baltimore in conversation with MadyGraf Workers

The workers of the MadyGraf factory recently gave a live video presentation for the public at Red Emma’s Coffee Shop. During the event, a fruitful exchange took place between the Buenos Aires-based workers and the Baltimore audience.

Juan Cruz Ferre

June 23, 2015

The Struggle for Justice in Cleveland Continues

Tamir Rice, Tanisha Anderson, Timothy Russell, and Malissa Williams, alongside countless others are the names currently on the minds of activists, students, and community members in Cleveland. Their fight against the abuses by the Cleveland Division of Police places them on one of the key fronts of a nationwide fight for justice.

Patrick Mahoney

June 16, 2015

LA union bureaucracy pushes for a worse deal for its union members

For the past several years, the fast food workers’ fight for a $15 minimum wage has expanded.

Julia Wallace

June 8, 2015

Let’s face it: Sanders is no alternative

Ph: AFGE Many left groups and activists have embraced Bernie Sander’s presidential bid with unmeasured enthusiasm. At the same time, the extensive debate that has emerged among leftists (see here and here falls short of addressing the real point of discussion. There is a need to rethink the use of parliamentarism and electoral politics from […]

Juan Cruz Ferre

June 4, 2015

Health Care Reform for Profit

During the first days of 2014, Obamacare was put into effect, the hard-promoted health care reform, pushed by US President Barack Obama since his first presidential campaign. Beyond its difficulties in implementation something is certain: the reform was designed to the measure of the big corporations. It’s well-known that the USA has one of the […]

Juan Cruz Ferre

February 14, 2014

The high price of Blair and Bush’s imperialist policies

On July 7th, during the morning rush hour when millions of people were travelling to their places of work or study, the centre of London was rocked by a series of bomb blasts on the public transport system – three on the underground and one on a bus. At the time of writing the official […]

Voces de la huelga de Hunts Point

La huelga Hunts Point Market está en su sexto día y ha ido creciendo en notoriedad y fuerza. Cada día, cientos de trabajadores se unen al piquete de 24 horas frente Hunts Point Market. A pesar de no cobrar, se quedan todo el turno, incluido el nocturno. Con un frío glacial, abrigados y de pie […]

Tatiana Cozzarelli

January 21, 1900