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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: generation u

Microcephaly, dengue and the collapse of public health in Brazil

Working families and poor people are the victims of diseases that need not exist. Thousands of cases of microcephaly and chikungunya, along with hundreds of thousands of cases of dengue, resulting in record deaths, are three diseases seemingly brought about by the same mosquito and spread mainly in poor communities because of successive governments’ abandonment of public health. They govern for the rich, and the poor suffer the consequences.

Gilson Dantas

February 26, 2016

Behind the Scenes of the Revolt

In 1968 there was an upsurge in class struggle in many parts of the world – including in Germany. The Trotskyist movement in West Germany actively participated in the revolt, but did not benefit much from it. What were the German Trotskyists doing in '68? Why couldn't they rally important sectors of the revolutionary youth around their banner? The following is a study on Trotskyist policies before and after '68 with some lessons for today.

Nathaniel Flakin

February 17, 2016

Mass mobilization, political crisis and capitalism in Eastern Europe

Many of the capitalist regimes in Eastern Europe have faced continued instability as they are challenged by mass movements from below. What is the historical background to these struggles and what are the challenges and limits of these movements?

Philippe Alcoy

February 9, 2016

Maquiladora Workers Run as Independents in Juarez

The workers’ movement spurred by the courageous maquiladora workers of EATON, Foxconn and Lexmark are stirring controversy and excitement in the city of Juárez. The workers decided to advance an independent candidate for the highest position in the municipal elections: a woman worker who emerged from the fight for reincorporation and an independent union.

Sergio Moissen

February 4, 2016

The End of a Dream: From Arab Spring to Bloody Fall (Part I)

On the 17 of December 2010, in the village of Sidi Bouzid, Tunisian street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire. His act was the starting point of a wave of upheavals in the Arab world. Five years later, the region is sinking into chaos and violence. Is the dream of freedom and justice finally burst? This is a two-part retrospective on the Arab Spring –five years later.

Marius Maier

January 14, 2016

Elections in Spain: For an Anti-Capitalist, Working Class Alternative

Neither Podemos, nor Popular Unity, nor the candidacies they jointly advance in Catalonia and Galicia provide a real alternative for workers and the people. It is necessary to construct an anti-capitalist, internationalist and working-class alternative beyond the 20D.

Clase Contra Clase

December 18, 2015

A Trotskyist in North Korea

Our author visited the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as a tourist. His question: How does this society function? Is it the Stone Age? Or a cult? Or Dadaist art? A historical-materialist research trip.

Nathaniel Flakin

December 14, 2015

The economy and politics at the end of the cycle in Latin America

The situation in Brazil, where in response to an acute economic and political crisis, Dilma's government has implemented harsh austerity measures and made pacts with the right wing, is a telling sign of the accelerating decline of the so-called “progressive” governments in Latin America.

Eduardo Molina

December 9, 2015

For an Internationalist Working-Class Plan: A Europe of the Workers and Masses

The Europe of Capital has shown its most reactionary face with its xenophobic policies aimed at the “migratory crisis” and its brutal diktats handed down from the Troika, such as those applied by Tsipras’ government against the Greeks. The Europe of the capitalists cannot offer any progressive alternative for millions of workers, youth, women and immigrants.

Left Voice

November 17, 2015

Does Bernie Sanders Represent the U.S. Left?

Growing international discontent with the political caste system has found its way to the United States. There, though a far cry from the political earthquakes that have shaken several countries in Europe, the alarm bells are still sounding. What challenges do the left face in light of the Bernie Sanders phenomenon?

Celeste Murillo

November 11, 2015