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Police Cracks Down On Protesters: Photo Report

Photos: Martin Noda Thursday May 17 A new demonstration against Hollande’s Labor Reform took place. The Prefecture had banned scores of people (including a journalist) from attending the march. The police, in turn, ruthlessly cracked down protesters. The first step was frisking bags and seizing protection items such as helmets and masks. Even paramedics with […]

Martin Noda

May 18, 2016

Pan y Rosas: Argentine Women in the Struggle

A video introducing Pan y Rosas, an Argentine women's group.

Pan y Rosas

May 18, 2016

Lines of Debate: the Subaltern and the Proletariat of the World

Reverberations of the international crisis have resurrected the idea of the working class as revolutionary political actor from the crypt. Today, with evidence of growing labor unrest in both “emerging economies” as well as imperialist nations like France and the United States, there has been a renewed interest in the working class, its organizations, and potential to lead resistance against austerity governments and increasing inequalities.

A Right Wing Coup, the Failure of the PT and the Coming Storm

The Senate voted in favor of impeaching President Dilma, forcing her to step down for 180 days for further investigation. Today (May 12), Vice President Temer took up the Presidency, consolidating a right wing coup against the President. How did we get here? Did the PT dig their own grave? And most importantly, how can the left fight against the right wing and the austerity measures that are sure to come?

For an Anticapitalist in Mexico City’s Constituent Assembly

Against all odds, Sergio Moissen, socialist professor and independent candidate, managed to hand in more than 80,000 signatures to the National Electoral Institute (INE).

Jacques Rancière and Étienne Balibar: Solidarity with the Tolbiac Occupation

Jacques Rancière and Étienne Balibar expressed their solidarity with students protesting Hollande's labour reforms. The students occupied the Tolbiac Faculty of Pantheon-Sorbonne University on March 22. Workers, Students, High-Schoolers, Intellectuals – All Together!

Sarah Shin

April 5, 2016

Sanders, a Third Party, or a Working Class Party?

Without a doubt, the Bernie Sanders phenomenon offers new opportunities as well as potential pitfalls for the left in the U.S. We intend to discuss the positions of various socialist left parties vis-à-vis the presidential elections and the Sanders candidacy in the coming weeks and months. In our first article in this series, we will examine the position of Socialist Alternative, which made a major statement in 2013 by winning a seat on the Seattle city council, the biggest electoral victory by any socialist group in decades.

Robert Belano

April 2, 2016

Revolution in robotics or stagnation of productivity?

Antagonistic positions. Factors that revolutionize life versus labor productivity. The sense of a paradox. Robots everywhere except in the statistics.

Paula Bach

March 23, 2016

Women, the Bolsheviks and Revolution

On this International Women’s Day, we publish an interview with Wendy Goldman, author of Women, State and Revolution, about the Bolshevik’s ideas of women’s liberation after the 1917 revolution. Particularly, she addresses how the Bolsheviks sought to change women’s material conditions as the basis for women’s liberation. This debate could not be more relevant in a time when despite equality in law, there is no equality in life and a time when female Presidents around the world are no guarantee of women’s basic rights.

Wendy Z. Goldman

March 8, 2016

Varoufakis’ Plan B for Europe: A democratic revolution without revolution

The conference 'For a Plan B for Europe' culminated in Madrid with the presence of the former Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, along with much of the European reformist left. What is their plan to 'democratize' the EU?