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Donald Trump

ICE and COVID-19: A Deadly Mix For Immigrants

Even during a pandemic, the Trump administration is continuing to attack undocumented immigrants and is tightening legal pathways to immigration.

Eli Kawy

April 24, 2020

Noam Chomsky Is a Liberal

According to the distinguished professor, saying #NeverBiden is basically the same as refusing to vote against Hitler. This is a flawed analogy. If we can learn anything from the early 1930s in Germany, it’s that we must fight against capitalist politicians.  

Nathaniel Flakin

April 23, 2020

Trump to Ban Immigration in Xenophobic “Shock Doctrine”

Donald Trump tweeted out an executive order on Monday night banning immigration in the United States. This is a massive and unprecedented escalation of Trump’s xenophobic and nationalistic immigration policy.

Left Voice

April 21, 2020

The Anti-Quarantine Protesters Are Serving the Interests of Capital

In Michigan and other states, thousands of right-wingers have taken to the streets demanding that businesses and schools be reopened. They might look like a few lone conspiracy theorists, but they are being financed by billionaires and cheered on by the Wall Street Journal.

Scott Cooper

April 19, 2020

We Won’t Die for Their Profits

The ruling class wants you to go back to work but on whose terms?

James Dennis Hoff

April 15, 2020

United States Blocks Medical Supplies to Cuba

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump administration is blocking purchases by and deliveries to Cuba of medicines, ventilators, and other health supplies.

Diego Dalai

April 15, 2020

Neither Trump nor Cuomo: Socialist Healthcare Workers Tell Us How to Fight the Pandemic

Capitalism has birthed a nightmare. Nearly two million people around the world have already fallen ill as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Hospitals like ours have been completely overwhelmed by the rush of patients. The bodies of the dead are being held in refrigerated trucks. Those who can’t be identified are buried in mass graves. Unemployment may already be as high as 13 percent in the U.S.

Tre Kwon

April 14, 2020

We’re Not All in This Together: No Unity with the Billionaires

Despite its rhetoric of “We’re all in this together,” the government shows that it clearly only has the capitalist class’ interests in mind. The government finds it difficult to cultivate national unity in a divided and fragmented country. The imperialist powers are fighting to see who will come out the winner in this crisis. The pandemic exposes the true face of capitalism but also the power of the working class.

Ana Rivera

April 14, 2020

The U.S. Is Using Coronavirus to Push Regime Change in Venezuela

In the midst of the global crisis opened up by the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump administration has redoubled its efforts to overthrow Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro. It is dangling the lifting of devastating sanctions and offering foreign aid in exchange for Maduro’s ouster. We must demand that all sanctions be lifted unequivocally and denounce all U.S. military interference in the region.

Madeleine Freeman

April 5, 2020