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Is Myanmar Heading Toward a Civil War?

For weeks now, Myanmar’s heroic youth and working class have defiantly organized their self-defense in the face of increased repression. Now that ethnic armed groups are joining the resistance, some political factions are proposing the formation of a federal army. These developments underscore the possibility of a full-blown civil war in Myanmar.

Salvador Soler

April 8, 2021

Myanmar’s Coup Regime Massacred Over 100 Protesters in the Deadliest Crackdown Yet

Yesterday, on Myanmar’s Armed Forces Day, there were mass protests against the military regime. Despite being the bloodiest day since the start of the coup on February 1, protests against the coup are only growing.

Socialists in the United States, Mexico, and Costa Rica Stand in Solidarity With the Honduran Migrant Caravan

On January 14, a caravan of about six thousand migrants from Honduras marching towards the United States was violently repressed by the Guatemalan army. This repressive policy against migrants was ordered by the U.S. imperialist government.

Left Voice

January 20, 2021

“Fortress D.C.” Has Nothing to Do With Keeping People Safe

The nation’s capital has become a militarized zone in the runup to Inauguration day on January 20. But this is all about protecting the government and nothing to do with protecting the Washington’s working-class residents, who have been living in “Fortress D.C.” since the attacks of 9/11.

B.C. Daurelle

January 17, 2021

Feds Label Three Cities as “Anarchist Jurisdictions”

U.S. Attorney General William Barr recently designated the cities of New York, Portland, and Seattle as “anarchist jurisdictions.” Whether or not the term is being used accurately (it is not), the label of “anarchism” against opponents has been used historically by governments to justify or institute repression.

Andy Barns

September 27, 2020

Seattle Socialist Kshama Sawant Latest Target of Right-Wing Death Threats

Within the context of intensifying capitalist crisis and class struggle, the extreme right is increasingly mounting threats against progressive figures on the Left. Defeating reactionary violence will require working class hegemony.

James Dennis Hoff

August 13, 2020

The French State Fears Massive Social Explosion as a Result of COVID-19

The many repressive and secretive measures taken by France’s government to combat the pandemic have only exacerbated the social and political crisis that saw the rise of the Yellow Vests in 2018 and the general strike against pension reforms in 2019. The ruling class’s inability to respond to the present crisis opens a door for workers and oppressed people in France to seize upon their rage and put forward their own solutions.

Juan Chingo

April 14, 2020

Coronavirus and the Racial Regime in Slovakia: Roma and the State Response to the Pandemic

As the coronavirus pandemic has begun to take foot in Slovakia, the country’s largest ethnic minority --- the Roma --- are already starting to feel the effects of increased militarization and police presence in their communities. Without the guarantee of proper social and health services necessary to combat the pandemic, Slovakia will condemn the Roma to die, a fate all too well known by the Roma people.

Jakub Crcha

April 1, 2020

In Turkey, Seven Women Are On Trial for Playing “A Rapist in Your Way”

Seven women were arrested in Istanbul after performing the iconic dance "A Rapist in Your Way." The state prosecutor is pushing for sentences of up to two years in prison.