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Republican Party

Trump: The Fall of the Neoliberal Narrative

Much has been written to absorb the conservative avalanche that turned so many states red in the November elections. Even the screenwriters of “House of Cards” could not have a big enough imagination to project what the future holds for the White House. The transition has begun at the Trump Tower with a sharp turn to the conservative right.

Claudia Cinatti

December 29, 2016

The Roots of Trumpism

In 2016, a radical, right-wing, middle-class insurgency displaced the hegemonic capitalists in the Republican Party, at least temporarily.

Charlie Post

December 26, 2016

Trump’s Triumph and the World that Lies Ahead

The unthinkable is no longer so when it becomes a reality. Against all predictions Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States. He is now the man who will hold the most important and powerful position in the world.

Claudia Cinatti

November 10, 2016

We Don’t Subscribe to Reforming the Police

In this series, Left Voice amplifies the voices of candidates who have undertaken the bold task of running as socialists. This time we interviewed vice-presidential candidate for Workers' World Party, Lamont Lilly.

Lamont Lilly

October 27, 2016

Family, Capitalism and School Choice in the Republican Platform

In capitalist society, family is not just based on love and kinship, but rather on an economic necessity, as demonstrated by the Republican platform. Particularly, the discussion on school choice highlights the way the government shifts the burden of providing quality public services to the family.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

October 4, 2016

Obama’s Final SOTU: Silence Speaks Louder Than Words

Obama delivered his eighth and last State of the Union address on Tuesday night, full of demagogy and praise of “American values” and his own administration’s achievements.

Juan Cruz Ferre

January 13, 2016

The Pope to the Rescue of Global Capitalism

The Pope’s visit to the United States was welcomed by both Republicans and Democrats and praised by major media outlets. With a liberal discourse, the pontiff provides a popular view to the debates taking place at the heights of the U.S. political regime and the global establishment.

Juan Cruz Ferre

September 28, 2015

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice: Donald Trump and the Far Right

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has succeeded in galvanizing the far right of the Republican base. While he is almost certainly unelectable on a national scale, the current of racist xenophobia which he has given voice to and which his campaign is mobilizing presents a threat that will continue far beyond the 2016 elections.

Ian Steinman

September 1, 2015

Donald Trump: the wall of racial hatred

Like a bad imitation of Pinky and the Brain, who every night says "Let's try to take over the world", Trump announced he is seeking the Republican party's nomination for the upcoming presidential race.

Bárbara Funes

June 25, 2015