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They are repressing the Twelfth Global Day for Ayotzinapa

On May 26, big mobilizations were carried out in the Distrito Federal and several other cities of the interior, like Morelos, Cuernavaca, Acapulco, San Cristobal de las Casas, bringing together thousands of people in the framework of the twelfth Global Day of protest for Ayotzinapa.

LEAR: The war against the workers continues

Reinstated worker, Damian Gonzalez, is attacked inside Lear’s facilities. The company supports the union bureaucracy thugs who attacked him.

Mexico: elections, class struggle and the construction of a socialist organization

Beginning with the position expressed by the parents of the 43 student teachers, of repudiating the June 7 elections, it has been much discussed what the appropriate tactic is so that the discontent expressed in the streets will burst into the electoral setting. Now we are attempting to go beyond the tactical debate to what is strategic.

Jimena Vergara

May 21, 2015

Letter from the Youth of the PTS to the Youth of Baltimore

We, the Youth of the Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas (Socialist Workers’ Party) in Argentina, raise our voices with you, the youth in the streets of Baltimore, just we have with youth of Ferguson and many other cities across the U.S. We stand in solidarity with all the young people fighting against the brutality of […]

Left Voice

May 1, 2015

Argentina: strike and roadblocks in access highways to Buenos Aires

As announced yesterday by rank-and-file delegates and left trade unionists, the national strike day began with road blocks at highways and bridges that link surrounding areas to the city.

Left Voice

March 31, 2015

ARGENTINA: Nicolás del Caño, “A strong strike, despite the union bureaucrats”

Early this morning, national deputy from PTS and Left and Workers’ Front Nicolás del Caño joined militant trade unionists and workers at Panamericana highway, in front of Lear Corporation.

Left Voice

March 31, 2015

ARGENTINA: Hundreds of factories on strike in Northern Area in Greater Buenos Aires

Leaders of the fighting unionists and the left of Buenos Aires Northern area have informed La Izquierda Diario about the strength of the strike in the industrial area.

Left Voice

March 31, 2015

Argentina: Nationwide Strike and roadblocks in access highways to Buenos Aires

As announced yesterday by rank-and-file delegates and left unionists, the national strike day began with road blocks at highways and bridges that link surrounding areas to the city.

Moisés Schlank

March 31, 2015

ENG | Greek elections: With the workers against the capitalists and the Troika

On January 25th there will early elections in Greece, elections which are being followed with huge expectations throughout all of Europe. These elections have emerged as a product of the profound political, economic and social crises that have shaken Greece to its foundations for more than 6 years, placing it at the center of the […]

Left Voice

January 22, 2015