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Ideas & Debates

Why Is the New Anticapitalist Party in France Trying to Kick Out its Left Wing?

The New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) in France is in crisis, as the leadership attempts to kick out the principal left-wing opposition. This is important for the international Left — but not necessarily easy to understand. An FAQ about the NPA’s crisis.

Nathaniel Flakin

June 10, 2021

Pinkwashing: Why Big Corporations Drape Themselves in Rainbows

Large companies use non-discrimination programs, logos emblazoned with the pride flag, and LGBTQ+ and female directors to advocate for "inclusion" in a world where inequality is the norm.

Pablo Herón

June 8, 2021

Left Voice Magazine for June

Our online magazine appears every month on a Sunday.

Left Voice

June 6, 2021

“Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win”: An Open Letter to the Comrades of AyR and L’Étincelle, and to the Members of the Tendency for a Revolutionary International (TRI)

A former member of the Canadian section of the USFI and former International Coordinator for Socialist Action/Ligue pour lÁction Socialiste offers a response to the attacks against the Revolutionary Communist Current in France by sectors within the New Anticapitalist Party. His reflections are part of an ongoing debate about the formation of an international revolutionary socialist organization in France, a critical discussion for socialists around the world.

Rob Lyons

June 4, 2021

Marxism and the Origins of the Ecological Critique

John Bellamy Foster’s The Return of Nature: Socialism and Ecology (Monthly Review Press, 2020) shows the role played by biologists and other scientists with a nonmechanistic, materialist outlook, alongside various Marxists, in laying the foundations of ecology in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The American Revolutionary Press Tradition

Throughout history, publications have been a central tool to build the socialist movement.

Scott Cooper

May 20, 2021

Our Struggles Are United: Black Solidarity with Palestine

The Black struggle and Palestinian liberation have a long relationship of solidarity and a common enemy: imperialism.

Darrin Johnson

May 18, 2021

Every Jew Should Be Unequivocally Anti-Zionist

As the apartheid occupier of Palestine --- known as the State of Israel --- continues its brutal assault in Jerusalem as part of yet another land grab, it’s worth reviewing what Zionism is all about. It has nothing to do with Judaism, and is actually its polar opposite.

Scott Cooper

May 13, 2021

May 1: For an International of Socialist Revolution

On May 1, the Trotskyist Fraction — Fourth International held an online rally to present a new manifesto. Comrades from 14 countries in Europe and the Americas took part. You can watch the video here.