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Latin America

Chile’s General Strike: Over a Million Reject Piñera’s Crumbs. There Is a Will to Fight for More.

The national leader of the Partido de Trabajadores Revolucionarios, a revolutionary left party in Chile, calls for a continuation of the protests until Piñera is overthrown. There are enough forces to win and to impose a free, sovereign Constituent Assembly, to discuss the urgent social problems of the day, and to do away with the legacies of Pinochet’s dictatorship.

Pablo Torres

October 24, 2019

Chilean Protesters Report Beatings and Sexual Assault By Military and Riot Police

**Trigger Warning** As mobilizations against the government continue in Chile, reports are surfacing of violence and sexual abuse against women involved in the protests.

Celeste Murillo

October 24, 2019

Timeline: From Student Rebellion to General Strike in Chile

What’s going on in Chile? A crash course on the recent protests—and their roots in economic inequality and state violence.

Violet Glaser

October 24, 2019

Revolutionary Socialists in Chile Declare: General Strike Until Piñera is Toppled!

All Out for a Real General Strike! Down with the State of Emergency! Troops Off the Streets! For assemblies and coordinators to move the strike forward with a plan of struggle! For a free and sovereign Constituent Assembly imposed by the mobilization atop the ruins of the regime! This is a statement by the Revolutionary Workers Party (PTR), the Chilean section of the Trotskyist Fraction—Fourth International.

Chilean Unions Call General Strike, Demanding Piñera’s Resignation and Constituent Assembly

Social movements, labor, and student unions are calling for a two-day general strike with mobilizations in the streets. Among their demands are the resignationof the president and the establishment a Constituent Assembly.

Chile: A Million People Take to the Streets as the Government Extends State of Emergency

President Sebastián Piñera has taken a hard line against the popular movement in Chile. A million people took part in demonstrations throughout the country on Monday. In response, Piñera expanded the state of emergency to include eleven provinces.

Chilean Dockers Call for General Strike

In the face of an ongoing state of emergency imposed by right-wing Chilean President Sebastián Piñera, members of the Dockworkers’ Union of Chile (UPC – Unión Portuaria De Chile) have not only begun to take strike action across the nation’s ports, but have also called on all workers to launch a nationwide general strike.

Sean Robertson

October 22, 2019

More than a Hundred Thousand Hold the Central Square in Chile, Despite a State of Emergency

All day, over 100,000 people have gathered at the Plaza Italia in Santiago. They are defying the government’s state of emergency and resisting the military’s attempts to clear the square. Live reporting from our sister site La Izquierda Diario Chile.

What’s Behind the Popular Uprising in Chile?

The explosive unrest in the streets of Chile is the backlash against decades of the most extreme neoliberal policies. The political regime inherited from the military dictatorship is in deep crisis.

Juan Cruz Ferre

October 21, 2019