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American Politics After Sanders

Sanders’ surrender before the reality of Clinton’s victory has brought an end to one of the most contested primary seasons in recent American History. How have the major political and economic players been impacted, and what should we expect next?

Ian Steinman

June 21, 2016

Their Thing was DRUM: Black Power in the Factory

Left Voice speaks with Dan Georgakas, activist, historian and co-author of the classic narrative, ‘Detroit: I Do Mind Dying: A Study in Urban Revolution’, recently released in French. In addition to numerous publications, he has written a memoir called ‘My Detroit, Growing Up Greek and American in Motor City’, on growing up in the ‘60s and in exploration of the city’s complex racial, cultural, and political life.

Dan Georgakas

June 20, 2016

The Roma’s Tortuous Journey

The migration crisis has clearly shown the structural nature of racism and xenophobia in Europe. The Roma people are among the most oppressed in the continent; in France, there has been a rapid rise in anti-Roma racism, not only from right-wing groups, but also from the state and its institutions.

Philippe Alcoy

June 16, 2016

Workers’ Combativeness Throws Bourgeoisie into Disarray

'What if the French soccer team went on strike?' So went the June 10 editorial of pro-business French newspaper, Les Echos, giving away the writer’s confusion and shock at the persistence and continuity of protests against the labor law.

Juan Chingo

June 15, 2016

Women Workers Picket Avon in Turkey

Discrimination towards women has always had a significant place in AKP's brand of political Islam, yet young female workers are coming to the forefront of class struggle – as is the case with the picket line outside the Avon warehouse in Gebze.

Barış Yıldırım

June 15, 2016

Révolution Permanente Celebrates One Year Anniversary

Inspired by similar experiences in other Spanish-speaking countries led by La Izquierda Diario, an international digital network of socialist news and politics, we launched Révolution Permanente in French on June 9, 2015. A year later, our bet has been won and new horizons await us.

The Labor Movement in Post-Communist Countries

We interviewed Mihai Varga, a Romanian specialist on trade unionism in Eastern and Central Europe and author of "Worker Protests in post-communist Romania and Ukraine," published in August 2015. In this interview, Varga provides his vision on the state of the trade unionism in the region after the dissolution of the Soviet bloc in the early 1990's.

Philippe Alcoy

June 10, 2016

Combating the Neoliberal University: The Case for a Strike

Faculty and employees at CUNY--the largest city university in the country with over 500,000 students--have been without a contract for six, up to seven years. In May, members of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) passed a strike authorization with a resounding 92 percent “YES” vote. The results signal workers’ willingness to fight despite New York state laws that hamper their right to strike.

Gordon Barnes

June 10, 2016

Sanders’ Traps

Despite his recent defeat in California, Bernie Sanders pledges to fight until the end for the nomination. His struggle to “democratize” the Democratic Party and his quest for economic and social justice have crashed against the shortcomings of his own strategy.

Juan Cruz Ferre

June 9, 2016

VIDEO: Panel, “Shut It Down: Black Struggle, Class Struggle”

At the Left Forum this year, Left Voice organized three panels that raised key strategic questions for the left. This is the video of the panel, “Shut it down: Black struggle, class struggle.”

Left Voice

June 8, 2016