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Ford Workers from Brazil on Strike Against Mass Layoffs

Ford Workers in Brazil go on strike against mass layoffs amidst Brazil's economic crisis. The government-led union accepts that workers pay for the crisis, negotiating only how much the workers will be forced to pay.

Esquerda Diário

September 14, 2015

Demo: Refugees are welcome here!

On September 12 more than 100,000 people marched in London in support of refugees. Tens of thousands took part in similar protests in Belfast, Brighton, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, York, Manchester and other cities and towns across the UK.

Alejandra Ríos

September 14, 2015

New Mexican Ambassador will Continue the Country’s Subordination to the U.S.

On September 3, Miguel Basáñez Ebergenyi was confirmed as Mexico’s new ambassador in the US, with the blessing of US president Barack Obama. His appointment was proposed by Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto after the position had been vacant for 6 months.

Tania Vonki

September 12, 2015

In Baltimore, the Fight for Justice Continues

The last few weeks, Baltimore protesters have returned to the streets to call for justice as the criminal prosecution of the six police officers involved in Freddie Gray’s death begins. New developments in the trials and an out-of-court settlement raise questions about the path to justice through the legal system.

Tre Kwon

September 11, 2015

And now, we’re going to bomb Syria to solve the “migrant problem” ?

During his sixth press conference at the Elysee, Francois Hollande has just formalized what was being said in ministerial corridors for several days. Starting today, French reconnaissance aircrafts will fly over the Syrian territory and raids could begin as soon as possible. France will for the time being coordinate "its efforts” with the anti-Daech international coalition – to bomb not only the positions of the Islamic State in Iraq, but also, from now on, Syria. A response to the flow of refugees by tackling the “root causes”, or the officialization of a new imperialist disaster, already announced?

Jean-Patrick Clech

September 11, 2015

Pao e Rosas Conference: The Fury that Turns into Organizing Energy

On August 29, 400 women and LGBT people gathered at the Sao Paulo (Brazil) metro workers’ union building for a conference organized by Bread and Roses (Pao e Rosas), the international socialist women’s organization made up of militants of the Trotskyist Fraction and independents.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

September 11, 2015

It is not enough to cry for you Aylan

Roberto Amador is a metal-mechanical worker and takes part in the combative rank-and-file unionism and opposition against the SMATA union bureaucracy. He was fired by Gestamp automobile company and is now in ongoing hearings for his reinstatement.

Roberto Amador

September 10, 2015

Landslide Uncovers Thousands of Broken Dreams in a Clandestine Mass Grave in Nuevo Leon

Mexico goes into mourning after finding a clandestine grave with at least 31,000 bone remains in “Las Abejas” Ranch in the municipality of Salinas Victoria in the northern state of Nuevo León.

Bárbara Funes

September 10, 2015

International Solidarity against Xenophobia in Europe

In recent weeks the “refugee crisis” has become a profound social and political crisis in Europe. The images of tens of thousands of people trying to cross the European borders through the Balkans, Greece, or over the Mediterranean, with thousands of dead, show the severity of this capitalist barbarism. We present a joint statement by the Courant Communiste Révolutionnaire (CCR, France), Clase contra Clase (Spanish State) and Revolutionäre Internationalistische Organisation (RIO, Germany).

Left Voice

September 8, 2015