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2020 Elections

Socialists Should Not Vote for Joe Biden

Voting for neoliberals won’t lead to meaningful victories on any of the issues that matter to working people. Nor will a Biden victory save us from the real dangers posed by the far right, which grew substantially during Obama’s smooth-talking neoliberal presidency.

Omar Hassan

October 9, 2020

An Election in Turmoil, a Regime in Decline

Lenin once said, “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen." In recent US political life, every week has felt like a decade. The biggest imperialist power in the world is experiencing a crisis on multiple fronts, with Donald Trump playing a central destabilizing role. What does this mean for the 2020 election and the fight for socialism?

Tatiana Cozzarelli

October 5, 2020

Trump Is Mobilizing the Right Wing to Intimidate Voters

At the first presidential debate, Donald Trump made an explicit call to his right-wing base to “watch very carefully” at the polls --- a clear euphemism for voter intimidation. If the right-wing mobilizes on Election Day, then the working class must be prepared to protect its democratic rights.

Madeleine Freeman

October 4, 2020

Trump Gets COVID Just Days after Saying It Affects “Almost No One”

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for coronavirus, raising even more doubts about the future of the presidential election next month.

Ana Rivera

October 2, 2020

Trump vs. Biden: A Debate That Shows the Empire’s Decline

The presidential candidates clashed in the first of three debates. The debate was worse than expected, a clear sign of the decline of U.S. imperialism.

Claudia Cinatti

October 1, 2020

In Debate: A Socialist’s Case for Howie Hawkins

As part of our ongoing analysis of the U.S. Green Party, guest writer John Palmucci offers a counter to Ezra Brain's Left Voice article: "A Socialist Case Against Howie Hawkins and the Green Party." Palmucci argues that most criticisms of the Green Party do not apply to its presidential candidate, Howie Hawkins and that socialists should have no qualms with voting for him.

John Palmucci

September 26, 2020

Trump Wants to Steal the Election. Biden Won’t Stop Him, but the Working Class Can

Trump wants to steal the election using the undemocratic mechanisms enshrined in law. Voting for Joe Biden and the Democrats won’t stop him. We need a mass movement to count all the votes, against the electoral college, and for democratic rights. 

Tatiana Cozzarelli

September 25, 2020

A Socialist Case Against Howie Hawkins and the Green Party

Howie Hawkins, a former UPS worker, Teamster and a committed leftist, is the presidential candidate of the Green Party. He promises eco-socialism --- but the Green Party, even with a left candidate, is not a socialist alternative to the two parties of capital.

Sybil Davis

September 22, 2020

Black Disenfranchisement Is Ingrained in the U.S. Election System

As President Trump urges his base to commit voter fraud in an attempt to help him win the November election, it is imperative to note that the United States has regularly, since its beginnings, barred much of its population from basic voting rights. Today, voter suppression predominantly impacts the Black and brown people, and this suppression must be denounced and done away with.

Carmin Maffea

September 21, 2020