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Brazil’s Strategic Scenario in 2022: An Analysis

A document prepared by Left Voice’s sister organization in Brazil analyzes the country’s situation in the run-up to elections in October.

Macron, the ‘President of the Rich,’ Reelected in France Amid Record Abstention

Emmanuel Macron has won a second term as president of France in an election marked by record abstention. As he prepares to continue his war against French social gains, the Far Right is consolidating its base in opposition to the failures of Macronism. Building a bloc of resistance is now more urgent than ever.

Damien Bernard

April 25, 2022

The Meaning of Orbán’s Reelection in Hungary

While Viktor Orbán’s Hungary will continue to represent a fulcrum for the most reactionary forces in Europe, the situation holds contradictions for the Hungarian regime — and for the entire European Union.

Philippe Alcoy

April 9, 2022

“You are the hope of this world”: Adèle Haenel’s Letter Supporting Anasse Kazib

Adèle Haenel, French actress best known in the United States for her role in the film Portrait of a Lady on Fire, has issued a powerful anti-capitalist statement in support of the candidacy of Anasse Kazib for the French presidency, and for the work of Revolution Permanente more generally.

Who is Anasse Kazib?

Meet the Trotskyist railway worker running for president of France.

Left Voice

February 27, 2022

Media Blackout of Anasse Kazib Candidacy in France Reveals the Myth of Capitalist “Democracy”

Anasse Kazib, the Trotskyist rail worker running for president of France, faces obstacles to winning ballot access. Now, he is being blacked out by the French media, which is doing the bidding of a capitalist state that wants to keep people from hearing a revolutionary program that challenges its rule.

Scott Cooper

February 18, 2022

Chile’s Latest Assault on Democracy: 12 Parties Will Be Forced to Dissolve

A dozen smaller parties will be excluded, by law, from participating in Chile’s elections. It’s more proof that the new Boric government is just more of the same.

La Izquierda Diario Chile

February 12, 2022

As Millions in Chile Hope for Change, Boric Promises Moderation

Hundreds of thousands of people went into the streets of Santiago to cheer the election of Gabriel Boric. Many are hoping for an end of neoliberalism. But Boric and his party were instrumental in pacifying the popular rebellion that began in October 2019.

Nathaniel Flakin

December 22, 2021

Runoff in Chile: For Defeating Kast and the Right, without Confidence in Boric or His Project

Gabriel Boric’s wide margin of victory over José Antonio Kast in today’s Chilean presidential vote was a surprise. It was a rejection of the strengthening of the Right wing in the first round of the elections. Now that fight against the Right must move to the streets, where the demands from the October 2019 rebellion must be raised again.

La Izquierda Diario Chile

December 20, 2021