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Abortion is Still Under Attack in Argentina Despite Legalization

Argentina recently legalized abortion up to the 14th week of gestation. The new law allows abortion in public hospitals as well as in private institutions. But already the law is being attacked by reactionary and fundamentalist sectors.

Andrea D'Atri

February 17, 2021

PTS Cofounder Miguel Lago Dies at 61: ¡Hasta el socialismo siempre!

It is with a heavy heart that we share the passing of our comrade Miguel Lago, a cofounder of Argentina’s Party of Socialist Workers (PTS). Miguel was a worker-militant and leader at the Río Santiago shipyard during its decades of fierce labor struggles.

After Decades of Struggle in the Streets, Argentina Legalizes Abortion

In a monumental victory for the feminist movement, Argentina has voted to make abortion legal and free during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. Socialist feminists have been on the frontlines of this struggle from the beginning.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

December 30, 2020

Argentina Is on the Brink of Legalizing Abortion: An Interview with Socialist Feminist Andrea D’Atri

On Tuesday, the Argentinian Senate will vote on a bill to legalize abortion. Left voice interviews Andrea D’Atri, a leader of the Party of Socialist Workers (PTS) and founder of the socialist feminist group Pan y Rosas, about what this bill means, how the movement developed, and the tasks that lie ahead.

Left Voice

December 28, 2020

Abortion Rights in Argentina: Between Protests in the Streets and Horse Trading in Congress

On Friday, the lower house of Argentina’s Congress voted to legalize abortion. The Senate will vote on the bill on December 29. This not a gift from a supposedly progressive government. According to the founder of the socialist women’s group Pan y Rosas (Bread and Roses), this was a victory of the feminist movement.

Andrea D'Atri

December 14, 2020

In a Victory for the Feminist Movement, Lower House Approves Right to Abortion in Argentina

Argentina takes a step towards legalizing abortion, with the law passing the lower house of Congress.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

December 11, 2020

The Fight Against Cop “Unions”: An International Debate

As the United States was shaken by protests against racist police violence this year, many people came to understand the true nature of the cops' so-called “unions”: they defend murderers. Yet some socialists still think police should be unionized. We present here a debate with the LIT-CI.

Nathaniel Flakin

November 20, 2020

Government Burns Down Shelters in Mass Eviction of Land Occupation in Argentina

For the past three months, a large plot of empty land in Guernica, Argentina has become home to thousands of people facing homelessness as a result of the country’s worsening housing crisis. On Thursday morning, the “progressive” Kirchnerist government of the Province of Buenos Aires sent the police to violently evict the encampment, setting fire to people’s shelters and displacing thousands of families.

Juan Cruz Ferre

October 29, 2020

Thousands Mobilize in Guernica, Argentina for the Right to Housing

Over 2,500 families have occupied land in the town of Guernica, Argentina, and are facing repression from the state.

Gloria Grinberg

October 15, 2020