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‘Lower the Guns, Raise Wages’: A Day of Strikes and Demonstrations across Italy against the War in Ukraine

Italian rank-and-file unions waged a one-day strike last Friday against the war in Ukraine and for higher wages to counter inflation. It represents a first step in the fight to build a peace movement based on class struggle.

Giacomo Turci

May 24, 2022

NATO’s Push to Expand: Will Finland and Sweden Finally Join?

Putin’s reactionary invasion of Ukraine is changing the balance of forces in Europe. Now Sweden and Finland, which had been historically neutral, are considering joining NATO.

Óscar Fernández

May 19, 2022

Global Military Spending Reaches Record High

World military spending has passed $2 trillion for the first time ever. Now, more than ever, we need to fight for a world that eliminates competition and war, and fight for international solidarity.

Robert Narai

May 17, 2022

A New Phase of the War in Ukraine

Russia’s war in Ukraine has entered its third month. Putin’s failure to win a quick victory, while NATO-armed Ukraine resists but cannot defeat the Russian invasion, has led to a stalemate — one that is deepening the international character of the conflict and thus the risk of escalation.

Claudia Cinatti

May 2, 2022

The U.S. and NATO Double Down on Imperialist Aims in Ukraine

The United States and European countries are continuing to flood Ukraine with weapons and are making provocative, escalatory speeches. A working class anti-war movement is essential.

Samuel Karlin

May 1, 2022

Sanctions on Russia: The Collateral Damage and Strategic Risks of the West’s ‘Economic Weapon’

In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the United States and European Union have imposed unprecedented sanctions on the Putin regime. These measures are severely damaging the Russian economy. They are also disrupting international markets in energy and other commodities. Such large-scale use of the “economic weapon” risks further fragmenting the world economy.

Esteban Mercatante

April 25, 2022

Spanish Government Ramps Up Military Spending Despite Widespread Opposition

A recent survey shows the majority of Spaniards reject the increase in military spending. The Spanish State’s warmongering and collaboration with NATO must be opposed.

Ivan Vela

April 18, 2022

The War in Ukraine Is Strengthening NATO and U.S. Imperialism

As Germany increases its military budget and Sweden and Finland ponder joining NATO, it’s clear that the war in Ukraine has been a boon for European and U.S. imperialism.

James Dennis Hoff

April 16, 2022

The Odyssey of Trans Women Trying to Flee Ukraine

Since the beginning of the war, the Ukrainian authorities have barred trans women from leaving the country. Laws in Ukraine are restrictive when it comes to accessing documents with the correct gender identity, and the war has further exacerbated the discrimination suffered by LGBTQ+ people.

Pablo Herón

April 13, 2022