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In Berlin, 56% Voted to Expropriate Big Landlords

On Sunday, 56% of Berliners voted in favor of expropriating housing companies that own more than 3,000 units in the city. But a militant campaign will be needed to implement the voters’ will.

Nathaniel Flakin

September 27, 2021

German Elections: Merkel’s Conservatives Get Their Worst Result Ever

The elections on Sunday marked the end of Angela Merkel's 16 years as German chancellor. Her Christian-Democratic Union (CDU) suffered a historic defeat. The Social Democratic Party (SPD) got the most votes. The Greens and the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP) will likely form a new government with one of the two parties. The Left Party DIE LINKE lost half of its voters.

Klasse Gegen Klasse

September 27, 2021

A “Lefty” Guide to the German Elections

Tomorrow is Election Day in Germany. Here are some thoughts on how a leftist should approach the vote.

Nathaniel Flakin

September 25, 2021

Italy Is Making a Vaccine Passport Mandatory to Work. Let’s Fight the Employer Association “Cure”!

As of October 15, the vaccine passport — known as the Green Pass — will be mandatory for all workers in Italy. It aims to put the pandemic crisis on the backs of the working class. Let’s fight for a solution to the crisis that stands on the side of the exploited!

Berlin: Healthcare Workers Strike Over Unsafe Staffing Levels

Since last Thursday, nurses and service workers at Berlin's biggest employers — the Charité and Vivantes hospitals — have been on strike together.

Nathaniel Flakin

September 16, 2021

French Communist Party Condemns the Slogan “Everyone Hates the Police”

This weekend, Gérald Darmanin, France’s minister of the interior, started a controversy after a video of a crowd chanting “everyone hates the police” emerged from a concert by Soso Maness, the French Algerian rapper. The French Communist Party and its presidential candidate Fabien Roussel quickly lined up behind the denunciation.

Paul Morao

September 14, 2021

Sixty-Five People at the RIO Summer Camp in Germany: Revolutionary Regroupment, Not Participation with the Government

Trotskyists in Germany held a summer camp in late August, where discussions focused on revolutionary regroupment as part of an international perspective of reconstructing the Fourth International.

Marius Rautenberg

September 11, 2021

Fighting for Abortion Rights: Lessons from Berlin in the 1970s

In recent decades, the feminist movement has gone through a process of NGO-ization. Supporters no longer demonstrate and smash windows — now they just click to send money.

Nathaniel Flakin

September 9, 2021

Why Berliners Should Vote Yes to Socialising Big Landlords

The referendum to socialise Deutsche Wohnen and other realty companies is taking place on September 26, parallel to the Berlin and German elections. The latest polls show: we could win.

Nathaniel Flakin

September 6, 2021