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Black Lives Matter

NYPD Murders Black Man Having Mental Health Crisis

Eudes Pierre, a 26-year-old Black man having a mental health crisis, was murdered by two NYPD officers early Monday morning.

Molly Rosenzweig

December 23, 2021

A Tucson Cop Murdered A Disabled Man in A Wheelchair

Richard Lee Richards, a disabled man in Tucson, Arizona was fatally shot in the back by a cop after he allegedly stole a toolbox. Yet Joe Biden still went through with plans to make the Tucson police chief his new Border Patrol director. This is further evidence that the Democratic Party wants Black Lives Matter protesters off the streets but doesn’t intend to actually stop police brutality.

Daniel Nath

December 12, 2021

Let This Radicalize You

The Rittenhouse Verdict was outrageous, but we can’t allow ourselves to fall into despair. We need to take radical conclusions from what happened.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

November 21, 2021

“We run this society and we can shut it down”: Reflections on the Rittenhouse Trial

The Rittenhouse verdict is an indictment of the racist capitalist system. We can neither rely on the capitalist Democratic party to help us, nor can we afford to get stuck in a vicious cycle of mutual aid efforts that is entrenched in a constant state of responding to capitalist crises. To rid ourselves of this racist capitalist system, we must come together and shut it down.

Adnan Ahmed

November 21, 2021

The Rittenhouse Verdict Is Green Light for Right-Wing Vigilantism. The Left Must Respond

The jury’s verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial is a devastating injustice, and a dangerous precedent that will open the door for more right-wing reactionary violence against the Left. To defeat the Right, we must unite our struggles.

James Dennis Hoff

November 20, 2021

No Justice in a Racist System: Kyle Rittenhouse Walks Free

In a monstrous display of systemic racism, Kyle Rittenhouse, the white supremacist vigilante who was caught on camera murdering two unarmed protesters and injuring a third, has been absolved of all charges brought against him. The ruling follows a blatantly biased trial and proves once again that there are separate “justice” systems for white people and people of color.

Scott Cooper

November 19, 2021

We Are the Only Ones Who Will Liberate Us

With every victory won as a result of Black struggle, the ruling class has left no stone unturned to curtail social progress. Empty promises of incremental change or a seat at the oppressor’s table will not liberate us. To be truly free, we must overthrow the racist-capitalist system that profits off our lives.

Adnan Ahmed

November 18, 2021

The Fix Is In: The Criminal “Justice” System Protects Kyle Rittenhouse

Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer, a terrorist, and a white supremacist. And the U.S. “justice” system is protecting him.

Sybil Davis

November 11, 2021

Teachers Unions Must Fight the Attacks on Critical Race Theory and on Trans Kids

Schools have become the center of right wing attacks. Attacks on trans kids and the teaching of history are likely to become the center of Republican's midterm election strategy. Teacher's unions need to fight back.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

November 3, 2021