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Climate Change

My City Was Underwater Because of Capitalism

To stop climate change, to win dignified and safe housing for all, and to save the neighborhoods and neighbors we love dearly, we have to destroy the capitalist state and replace it with a socialist one.

Carmin Maffea

September 8, 2021

“The Day After Tomorrow” Is Here. Mass Flooding in NYC

If you’ve ever seen the apocalyptic film The Day After Tomorrow about an enormous “superstorm” which sets off catastrophic natural disasters throughout the world and results in a modern day ice age, you’re familiar with the terrifying images of flooded New York city streets filled with floating trucks and cars and horrified New Yorkers clamoring […]

Allison Noel

September 2, 2021

New Orleans Looks Out for Big Business, Not Residents in Ida’s Wake

Another major hurricane has battered the South. But instead of providing the relief residents need, authorities are deploying “anti-looting” police to discipline the region’s poorest — overwhelming Black folks.

Emma Lee

August 31, 2021

The Demand for Carbon Capture Is a Gift to the Fossil Fuel Industry

Oil companies, governments, unions, media outlets, big environmental groups, and even sections of the Left have all declared carbon capture technology to be an important way to combat climate change. But what this demand actually does is justify continued fossil fuel extraction and preserve the unsustainable status quo.

Robert Belano

August 21, 2021

The U.S. Military Is Driving Environmental Collapse Across the Planet

The U.S. military emits more carbon than 140 countries, fueling climate change and environmental degradation. Below we examine five ways in which the Pentagon is destroying the environment.

Samuel Karlin

August 19, 2021

Sweden’s Climate Policy Shows There’s No Such Thing as Green Capitalism

Sweden portrays itself as being at the forefront of the transition to an environmentally sustainable economy. But the numbers paint a different picture, and show that “green capitalism” can’t solve the climate crisis.

Matteo Iammarrone

August 18, 2021

Biden to OPEC: “Drill, Baby, Drill!”

In the wake of increased fuel prices in the United States and fears of inflation, Biden has called on OPEC to increase oil production. But this is a devil’s bargain that will incentivize further destructive fossil fuel use, making the transition to renewable energy much more difficult.

James Dennis Hoff

August 15, 2021

The Cure to Climate Anxiety? Smashing Capitalism

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report paints a bleak picture of rising global surface temperatures and sea levels, and likelihood of compound climate events. To combat climate change before it becomes a catastrophe, we must fight for the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism.

K.S. Mehta

August 12, 2021

Fires in Greece and Turkey: Consequences of the Climate Crisis and Austerity Policies

In a summer marked by a succession of extreme weather events, Greece and Turkey have been experiencing heat waves and terrible fires in recent days, symptomatic of global warming but also resulting from catastrophic government management.

Hélène Angelou

August 7, 2021