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New York

Not Going Back to Brunch

Public sector workers across multiple unions gathered on Inauguration Day to send a message to the new Biden administration that we must rebuild and fully fund our schools, our hospitals, our social programs, our transit system, and our city.

David Klassen

January 21, 2021

How Do You Like These Apples? 1,400 Hunts Point Workers Are On Strike

Some 1,400 workers at Hunts Point Terminal Market in the Bronx --- the largest wholesale produce market in the world --- are on strike, demanding wage increases and better health benefits. Refusing to back down even in the face of police repression and threats from management, the Hunts Point strike serves as an example to the entire labor movement of how to fight the attacks of the bosses and the government officials who protect their interests.

Madeleine Freeman

January 19, 2021

New York City Hall Staffers Unionize

After years of organizing, the Association of Legislative Employees becomes the first legislative staff union in New York state.

Zed Simon

December 27, 2020

The Fight of Our Lives: Why CUNY Workers Need to Be Strike Ready Now

The City University of New York is in crisis and things are only going to get worse. To protect the university and themselves, CUNY workers and other public sector employees must learn to wield the strike weapon.

James Dennis Hoff

December 19, 2020

Governor Cuomo’s “Pay Cut” Is a Cynical Publicity Stunt

All bourgeois politicians are cynical manipulators of public perception, but New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo is a master of the genre. Since the coronavirus pandemic began in March, Cuomo has tried to sell himself as a tough, no-nonsense advocate of public health and shared sacrifice, but he is still the same run of the mill neoliberal that he has always been.

James Dennis Hoff

November 20, 2020

New York Postpones Raises for Public Employees; CUNY Workers Push for a Strike

As the state and city governments try to balance the budget without raising taxes on the rich, more than 100,000 public employees in New York are being denied their contractual raises and back-pay. Workers at the City University of New York are bringing a resolution for a strike authorization vote to the table, and other public unions must do the same.

Olivia Wood

November 14, 2020

The Housing Crisis Is Just Getting Started; Let’s Stop It

The real estate crisis poses a deep threat to New York City. New evictions, city budget shortfalls, and financial contagion could worsen an already intolerable situation. The Left should organize not only to ward off an eviction wave but to challenge the capitalist logic creating it.

David Klassen

November 8, 2020

NYPD Violently Represses Post-election Protests for Second Night in a Row

As votes for the 2020 elections were counted for a third night across the country, protesters in New York City were met once again with violent repression by NYPD. Acting on the orders of Mayor Bill de Blasio, the police are cracking down on mobilizations to prevent a repeat of this summer's uprising.

Madeleine Freeman

November 6, 2020

Cuomo Would Rather Squeeze the Working Class Than Tax the Rich

Seven months into a global pandemic, in a state with the highest concentration of billionaires in the world, over a third of New Yorkers are struggling to pay rent. Rather than spread the wealth and ensure all New Yorkers have what they need, Governor Cuomo is working to ensure New York’s ultra rich don’t feel any effects from the pandemic and associated economic downturn.

Rebecca Margolies

September 23, 2020