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Lufthansa Workers Strike over Wages

Today, ground workers for the German airline Lufthansa are striking for wage increases and better working conditions. On Tuesday, a similar strike took place at the airport in Lyon, France.

The Mediterranean Sea Hits 86ºF — 10ºF Higher than Expected

Massive evaporation, torrential rains, prolonged extreme humid heat, and dying marine life — these are among the consequences of this summer’s heat wave as the waters of the Mediterranean Sea reach record levels.

Pedro Vantas

July 27, 2022

Climate Crisis in Europe: Here We Tread upon a Spark

Europe has been struck with a deadly heatwave, with temperatures exceeding 40°C (104°F). We need a radical ecological transition out of this catastrophe.

Antoine Ramboz

July 22, 2022

Sign the Petition in Support of Striking Dockworkers in Germany

Last week, thousands of dockworkers in Hamburg and other German cities went on strike. Police attacked them and courts tried to ban their action. In response, more than 3,000 workers have signed this petition for the right to strike. You can sign too!

Left Voice

July 20, 2022

Striking German Dockworkers Attacked by the Cops and Courts

Thousands of workers at Germany’s major container ports mounted a 48-hour strike on July 14 and 15. Police attacked the demonstrators, and the courts have banned further strikes until the end of August.

Marius Rautenberg

July 15, 2022

Wars, Inflation, and Strikes: A Summer of Discontent in Europe?

Strikes over wage increases or working conditions are occurring in response to high inflation, aggravated by the aftermath of the war in Ukraine. These labor actions show a change in the mood of the European working class.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Fall Highlights British Imperialism’s Political Crisis

UK prime minister Boris Johnson has stepped down after mounting crises and many prominent Conservative resignations. His fall reveals the deep political crises facing British imperialism.

Claudia Cinatti

July 8, 2022

Western Imperialism Expands with New Military Bases and NATO Members

The NATO summit in Madrid has expanded the alliance’s footprint — a result of the U.S. and European role in the Ukraine war, and a big win for Western imperialism. Workers must use our power to fight the U.S. and NATO agenda, without giving any support to the Putin regime.

Samuel Karlin

July 1, 2022

Thousands Protest against G7 Summit in Germany

The leaders of the seven most powerful imperialist countries are meeting in the Alps. These seven men stand for environmental destruction and militarism like no one else. That’s why protests were guaranteed.

Nathaniel Flakin

June 28, 2022